Outreach activities
The life of a researcher can probably be summarized in three words:
learn, discover and share.
These words go hand in hand and cannot live without each other: in particular I feel that learning and discovering are pointless without sharing. After all, we researchers are used to share basically every day: in the corridor with our colleagues, in conferences with experts of the field, in a class with our students, etc. Less obvious is to share with people that are not part of the academic life, even though this seems to be the key, at least to me, for having later new students, new researchers and so on.
Moreover, I enjoy to use creativity to make mathematics fun and approchable to everyone, I enjoy to surprise while educating, I enjoy to gather (many) people together under the roof of science.
For all these reasons I devoted a non-negligible amount of time in building, together with a couple of friends, original ways for bringing science, and math in particular, into the general public eye.
Scroll down if you want to know more!
Organization of events
May 12
On May 12, 2020 I organized, in collaboration with Taste of Science, an online event for May 12, the international day of women in mathematics. The event saw the participation of 5 speakers among female students and early career women in mathematics as well as the screening of the film Secrets of the Surface, the Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani.
Here below is the poster realized by my friend Dea Gigauri and the recording of the event.

From May 2019 to July 2020 I was the lead instructor for the first and second edition of CodebreakHERS, a summer camp for high school girls
in cybersecurity at the University of South Florida. In particular I have coordinated the curriculum development regarding coding theory and cryptography
Here below are some pictures I took of the camp.
Pi Day
I am co-founder of the Pi day association that promotes and communicates mathematics to the general public. The Pi day association has been awarded the D'Alembert prize in 2016 by the French Mathematical Society (Société Mathématique de France) for its original mathematical outreach activities. Within this context, I coordinated the organisation of several big events in 2015 (Journée de π 2015), 2016 (Journée de π 2016) and 2017 (Tournée de π).

2017 - General chair of:
Tournée de $\pi$, Marseille-Lyon-Paris: 3.14 Paris (Théâtre des Variétés), 3.16 Marseille (Le Silo), 3.19 Lyon (Le Transbordeur) (2000 people).
A mathematical musical From Marseille to Vegas revolved around three talks for the general public, by different speakers for each city.
Playlist musical
From Marseille to Vegas
Mickaël Launay
Le mystère de la farfalle
2016 - Co-organizer with Joël Cohen and Guillaume Geoffroy of:
Pi day 2016, March 14 2016, Théâtre National de la Criée (700 personnes), Marseille.
A mathematical musical Les $\pi$ travaux d'Archimède, revolved around three talks for the general public, to celebrate in a joyous atmosphere the most famous of the constants!For this event, the Pi day association has been awarded the d'Alembert price of the French Mathematical Society (SMF).
by TéléAMU
Les $\pi$ travaux d'Archimède
Four friends celebrating their outreach prize. (From left to right: me, Guillaume Geoffroy, Emilie Delnieppe, Joël Cohen.)
2015 - Co-organizer with Joël Cohen and Emilie Delnieppe of:
Journée de $\pi$ 2015, March 14 2015, MuCEM (500 people), Marseille.
Mathematical day revolved around a morning-show with three talks for the general public, a pie contest and an afternoon of stands and fun animations.
Treize Minutes Jeunes Chercheurs
Night of multidisciplinary conferences by young researchers, organized by a group of Ph.D students of Aix-Marseille Université.

2017 - Co-organizer with Camille Baudouin, Timothée Kooyman, Xuan Luo, Souhil Tairi, Alix Thuillier and Didier Villevalois of:
Treize Minutes Jeunes Chercheurs, April 26 2017, Alcazar (300 people), Marseille.
2016 - Co-organizer with Léa Atmani, Camille Baudoin, Timothée Kooyman, Xuan Luo, Christophe Rodo, Alix Thuillier, Didier Villevalois of:
Treize Minutes Jeunes Chercheurs, May 10 2016, Alcazar (300 people), Marseille.
Here below are the videos of some math colleagues that I invited to this event.
Joël Cohen (2016)
Battre sans mélanger ou comment tricher aux cartes
Paolo Pistone (2016)
Aristote et l’électricien : le branchement des idées
Aldo Gonzalez Lorenzo (2017)
Combien y a-t-il de trous dans un T-shirt ?
Outreach talks
- 05/12/2021: Alice in post-quantum land, Women in Mathematics Day 2021, University College Dublin School of Mathematics and Statistics (online).
- 06/03/2021: Si on pouvait mentir au jeu du Qui est-ce ?, Écoole Moorea, French Polynesia.
- 05/12/2020: Billiards and donuts, for the event May 12, Mathematics: to the power of women! , online.
- 03/02/2020: Guess who, if I can lie, University of Tampa.
- 08/01/2019: From a liar Guess who to error-correcting codes, Young CryptograpHers Cybercamp 2019, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton.
- 04/19/2019: Guess who, if I can lie, Math Club USF.
- 06/08/2016: Pi Day : un festival international des mathématiques (with Joël Cohen, Emilie Delnieppe and Guillaume Geoffroy) on the occasion of the award ceremony of the d'Alembert Prize at the Premier congrès de la Société Mathématique de France, Tours.
- 01/22/2016: Allô Papa Tango Charlie - Théorie des codes correcteurs (Allô Papa Tango Charlie, theory of error-correcting
codes), for a Maths en Jeans high school class, Marseille.
slides - 06/06/2014: Les nombres premiers ne sont pas si aléatoires (Prime numbers are not so random), Journée d'étude sur le hasard (Thematic day on Randomness), Fort Saint-Jean, Marseille.
slidesaudio - 03/25/2014: L'hypothèse de Riemann dans le paysage des courbes sur les corps finis , (The Riemann Hypothesis in the landscape of curves over finite fields), Ph.D students seminar, Marseille.
- 03/14/2014: Pi... comme pizza (Pi... as pizza), Pi day 2014, Marseille.
Outreach articles
- Pi Day: An International Festival of Mathematics, Elena Berardini, Joël Cohen, Guillaume Geoffroy and Annamaria Iezzi. EMS Newsletter 3 (2018) , 36-37.
pdf link
Other outreach activities
- 06/03/2021: Invited speaker at Indovina chi viene a cena? Aperitivo con le matematiche, an event addressed to high school students and organized by the Università degli Studi dell’Aquila and the GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute. The event was part of the initiative May 12.
- 03/17/2021: Presenter for the regional regional stage of Ma thèse en 180s (Three-minute Ph.D.) in French Polynesia and member of the coaching team.
- May 2020: Co-realizer of a mathematical scavenger hunt for the Salon Culture et Jeux Mathématiques (online).
- February 2019: Career panelist at Florida Women in Mathematics Day.
- October 2016: Guide for the stand: Tous les chemins mènent à Rome-Dragon (T3) (All roads lead to Rome-Dragon), Fête de la Science 2016, Vieille Charité, Marseille.
- May 2016: Guide for the exposition Imaginary in the 17th Salon Culture et Jeux Mathématiques, lace Saint-Sulpice, Paris VI.
- March 2016: Participation to the writing of the play Les $\pi$ travaux d'Archimède, played for Pi day 2016 at the Théâtre National de la Criée in Marseille.
- October 2015: Creation and animation of a booth about cryptography and coding theory: Le charabia du numérique : mégapixels, gigaoctets, cryptage... et autres gros mots !, Fête de la Science 2015, Villa Méditerranée, Marseille.
- 07/02/2015: Introduction to Mathematics and scavenger hunt at the library of CIRM for primary school children, CIRM, Marseille.
- 03/22/2015: Guide for the exposition Imaginary, Vieux Port (Marseille), during the Forum des Matéhématiques Vivantes.
- 03/14/2015: Creation and animation of the booth : Les Mathématiques nous transportent en... cuisine ! (The Mathematics of
cooking), Pi day 2015, MuCEM, Marseille.